
A Leader in Construction Safety

Safety first. For everyone. On every site.

The safety of workers and the public is our priority on every job site. Our belief is that all accidents can be prevented and we train our staff to operate in that mindset.

James W. Rabold Award of Safety Excellence recipient - by ABC (Indiana & Kentucky) 2024

Wehr has instituted a WEHR SAFE program specifically addressing job site safety. The program includes mandatory hard hats and contractor badges, as well as drug screening prior to employment and random drug testing afterward (with a zero-tolerance policy). The WEHR SAFE Program and the increased awareness and efforts of each Wehr employee have resulted in an EMR of 0.88 as of April 1, 2024.


Prioritizing Best Practices & Jobsite PPE

WEHR Safe Program Aid & Wellness

Accurate Reporting For Continued Improvements

Analytics For

Increased Efficiency

A Legacy of Safety.

Additional aspects of the WEHR SAFE Program include:

  • Safety and awareness training for all WEHR and subcontractor personnel, which includes safety plans, egress and fire safety routing, emergency evacuation plans.
  • CPR-certified and first aid officers on every site.
  • Formal site review twice daily by our superintendent or safety officer. 
  • A weekly safety meeting of subcontractor supervisors. 
  • A weekly safety meeting for all on-site personnel. 
  • All meetings and inspections are documented, including  specific incident reports that require follow up.
  • Quarterly and annual formal safety training for all on-site personnel conducted by our third party safety consultant, our insurance agent, Sterling Thompson Company and our bonding company, Travelers.
  • Bi-monthly mock OSHA inspections conducted by a third party safety consultant.
  • Quality assurance site visits by risk managers and safety agents from our bonding company, Travelers.